Oblivion Bashed Patch Tutorial
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Guide:Wrye Bash. From S.T.E.P. Other modders deal with the idiosyncrasies of modding for Oblivion. The infamous-yet-little-understood 'Bashed Patch'.
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Fallout New Vegas Bashed Patch
Search 'wrye bash oblivion nexus' on google. Go to the files tab on the oblivion Nexus. Download 'wrye bash 306 installer.'
(You might need to make a nexus account to download this file if you don't already have one. Making an account is fast and free.) Click on the completed download. Click install for Oblivion. Click install Standalone.
You can also install it for Skyrim here if you have Skyrim too. Make sure the file directory for Oblivion is correct. You want it installed to the Oblivion folder, not the data folder. If you have Oblivion in the program files folder, it will give you red text. This is okay.
It will extract the files. Next, it will give you an option to open the readme. This readme is long and confusing. I didn't read it. You might want to look at section five, 'What symbols and colors mean.'
This will help you know what the confusing colors mean. Green is good. Orange is changed load order (I will explain that in a minute.) Check marks mean a mod is activated.
Next, you should install BOSS. Search 'Boss oblivion' on google.
Go to the boss developers website. Click on 'download from Github' and download the Boss Installer. Install the download. Now when you load Wrye Bash you should see a icon on the bottom.

It looks like a oblivion gate with the word BOSS over it. Once it's done a popup will come up showing your new 'load order'. Ignore it unless it shows an error. Warnings are usually okay. Mods can be installed in any order. Load order is different from installation order.
Load order tells the game what order to load mods in. Orange on wrye bash means the load order has changed. You will want mods to be lower on the load order list than their 'master files'.
In other words, if a mod depends on other mods to load, it should be loaded after the mod it depends on. This is why you cannot change the load order of Oblivion.esm, because every mod depends on Oblivion as its master file. A master file is typically a.esm file. Mods lower on the load order list can override changes made by mods higher on the list. Wrye Bash has a bashed patch feature that lets all of your mods show all of their effects. Just load wrye bash. Right click on bashed patch.
Click rebuild patch. You can change the settings in the boxes if you want. It is overwhelming at first so default it okay. Keep the bashed patch at the end of your load order unless told otherwise by BOSS. Everytime you add a mod, it's good to run BOSS and then rebuild your bashed patch.
If you are installing or testing lots of mods, you don't need to do this until you're sure you will keep the mods, because it can take a while to make the patch. The best mods are the ones that are stable and also add things to the game that you will enjoy.
The oblivion Nexus is a wonderful place to find mods. There are many categories such as 'gameplay changes,' 'quests,' and 'magic' that you might enjoy. Plus many more! You can search using the searchbar on the Nexus or sort according to the 'most endorsed' mods. An endorsed mod means that it was played by other players who found it fun. The more endorsements, the more likely a mod is to be stable and worthwhile, although there are always new mods being put out. Not all mods can be installed using Wrye Bash.
If it says 'BAIN compatible' installation, you can use wrye bash to install. To do this, drop the mod package into the Bash Installers folder, which is near your oblivion directory. Mine is at C: Program Files (x86) Bethesda Softworks Oblivion Mods Bash Installers but yours might be somewhere else depending on where you installed oblivion. Then load wrye bash. Click on the 'Installers' tab. Right click the mod to be downloaded. Hit 'wizard,' and then follow the instructions.
To manually install, which is how most mods are installed, just drop the esp file into your Oblivion/Data folder. Here, in the Data folder, also go meshes, BSA files, textures, and more. If you don't see the changes from a mod, or if you see lots of 'WTF!
I'm a Missing Mesh!' Things or purple textures everywhere, the mod has been incorrectly installed. Don't forget to activate the mods in wrye bash by clicking on their check boxes. Make sure they are green and checked. Good mods for middle to high end PCs include Better Cities, Unique landscapes, and Qarl's textures. Most mods don't require high power, such as quest mods, combat mods like Deadly Reflex, or magic mods like Less annoying Magic Experience or Supreme Magicka. Keep in mind that the more mods you install, the less stability Oblivion might have, and the lower your FPS might get.
Let me know if I forgot anything or you have more questions. It's nice to sit and type after being on my feet all day. Waiting for the installers tab is a pain once you have a lot of mods. If it is just a plugin then I sometimes just drop it into the Data folder too.

It's true, OMODs won't work with wrye bash but there are very few mods that only offer an OMOD version. As far as overwriting stuff goes, its not the install where BAIN shows its usefulness, it is uninstalling or changing mods. Say you install a big texture pack like Quarl's.
Then you want to try a separate grass texture. If you were doing it manually then fine, it would just overwrite it. But say you decide you don't like the new texture. You'd have to find the textures it installed and delete them, then find those specific textures again in Quarls and reinstall them or you'd just be left with the vanilla textures. BAIN knows what mods installed what assets and would automatically reinstall the overwritten textures without you having to worry about it. The more mods you use the more useful it becomes.