Wamp Server For Php 5.3.8
Hi, Wampmanager 3 Summary: Wampserver does not work on a FAT32 or exFAT drive. It only works on NTFS disk. WAMPServer 3 will not run on Windows XP, by virtue of it containing Apache2.4.17+ and that requiring Microsoft Visual C/C Redistributable 2015 (VC14) which will not install on Windows XP. No MSVC runtimes greater than Microsoft Visual C/C Redistributable 2010 (VC10) will install on Windows XP Components installed with Wampserver 3.1.0 32 bit or 64 bit - Apache 2.4.27 - PHP 5.6.31/7.0.23/7.1.9 - MySQL 5.7.19 - MariaDB 10.2.8 - PhpMyAdmin 4.7.4 - Adminer 4.3.1 - PhpSysInfo 3.2.7 The WAMPServer 2.5 to 3 Change History can be found here: plus three or four other improvements.
Configure wamp to connect ms sql server 2008. I have install wamp that consist of Apache Version 2.2.21 and PHP Version 5.3.8 and MS Sql server 2008 on same machine. I'm trying to install PHP 5.3.8 to work with WAMP (Windows). I downloaded it from the PHP website, copied it in the bin folder, and added this line to wampmanager.ini.
How To Use Wamp Server For Php And Mysql
Before running the install, you must read these prerequisites: BEFORE proceeding with the installation of Wampserver, you must ensure that you have current versions of all these Microsoft C/C Runtime Libraries, if you do not check and install any missing libraries before you install Wampserver it will not install correctly and will not run correctly! In addition, the installation will be faulty and you will need to remove Wampserver BEFORE installing any missing Runtime Libraries.