Ross Jeffries Unstoppable Confidence Rapidshare
David Laroche is interviewing Ross Jeffries, the king of seduction. Successful in terms of business as he came along at the right place at the right time, he says. Seduction is the fact of relying on men’s ability to communicate with women. Then, someone who is able to communicate with women cans ask interesting questions that awake curiosity. This technic can be used in plenty field and sometimes in selling product, but depends on what you sell says Ross. A tip that can help people to overcome fear is to change the meaning of it because fear is not a thing but a neurological activity.
Simply because unstoppable confidence download unstoppable confidence download he. Ross Jeffries Unstoppable Confidence Rapidshare. Ross jeffries.
The objective of this thread is to keep our Legendary Resident PUA Sauce Head's legacy going and give guys the Confidence plus Skills to not be intimidated by and get ANY Woman! I was around when SH was here and we even exchanged some PMs, he helped me turn my life around and take my confidence to an all new level and not to mention the women. From my other thread I got a lot of great responses in the thread and private that I think another PUA thread is necessary and a lot of guys can benefit from it including myself who can brush up and refine his skills. I just got this PM saying 'The one thing that surprised me the most, and that I also thought was really cool, was how guys are willing to help each other learn the process. Maybe that's because most guys understand the pain and frustration.'
Which is exactly true so guys feel free to discuss/share your current situations, opinions, game theories, etc. (Sadly the Enormous Legendary thread was deleted but all's not lost!) So cutting the formalities aside here we go in SH's own words! What's a PUA?
A pickup artist, commonly abbreviated PUA,1 is a term used to describe a man who is skilled in meeting, attracting, and seducing women. Here's Sauce Head's LESSON #1: Being Prepared (Yes I'm aware it has typos). To get girls, you have to have a lot of factors working together for you. But the single area that you have the most control over is your appearance. Its a known fact that to create chemistry with a girl you have to know how to connect with her emotions. Well taking excellent care of yourself will automatically trigger part of her emotions right off the bat. Think about that for a second.
You don't even have to say a word to the girl and she'll already be more willing to talk to you because you've triggered her emotions with your appearance. With that being said, here are the guidelines to follow for your appearance. 1-Workout Consistently-Ok I'm not saying that you have to look like Arnold or some Calvin Klein underwear model, but you should definitely go to the gym 3-5x a week and get yourself in decent shape. 2-Wear nice clothes-By 'nice' I don't mean. or Armani, just wear clean clothes that fit your body type and style. I think the most important thing here is to find a look that fits you. If your a skinny piece of., don't go wearing XXL football jerseys and huge baggy pants.
That will just magnify that fact, that your incredibly underweight. Get a pair of white shoes and black shoes. You can wear those colors with anything and it will show a girl you have a sense of style. 3-Keep all areas clean-Girls are very perceptive. They notice the smallest details about you. Get your haircut regularly.
Keep all your nails clipped and clean. Make sure if you have facial hair its always looking good. If you have a fat goatee, then keep it combed, its hair isn't it. Get a beard trimmer if you have that stubble look and keep it trim. Don't have a uni-brow, go to your mom's bathroom and bust out the tweezer's. Same deal goes for nose hairs. As far as other body hair goes, I trim everywhere else.
Most girls, well the hot ones, usually only like hair on your head and little bit above your unit. 4-Skin care-Take good care of your skin. Most guys wash their face with soap and water and that's it. I like to go in the steam room after I work out, and eat a lot of fruit. You will be surprised, its makes a huge difference in the way your skin looks. Besides you don't want to break out the night before you hang out with a hot girl.
If you put these four factors together, you should have a higher self-esteem. This will make you more confident which is half the battle with the girls.
When most guys hear a girl say 'I'm so attracted to him,' they automatically think the girl is refering to the guy's looks. When a girl says she's attracted to a guy its much more than looks, if at all. All these years, we've be bred to think that the way to a girl's heart is to buy her gifts, call her a lot to show how much you care and put her above anything else. Well in the real world that's the furthest thing from the truth. Now most guys who realize this are quick to say, 'To get chicks you have to be @ss-hole.' That's not true either. Why would a girl want to be with an @ss-hole??
To create attraction you need to understand these 3 principles: 1-Knowing what to say 2-Knowing how to say it 3-Knowing when to say it Let me explain each of these in more detail: 1-Knowing what to say-If you know what to say to a girl, then you'll get every girl you've every wanted. So how do you know what to say?? Its actually pretty easy. Say the unexpected. The unexpected is what she subconciously wants to hear, but when you say it, she'll say your mean and hit you. I am naturally pretty funny, according to all my friends and family. So I use this to my advantage to bust on the girl and give her a hard time in a non-threating type of way.
2-Knowing how to say it-Your voice tone is SOOOOO IMPORTANT!! Watch a Brad Pitt movie.
Analyze his voice in some of the lines he says. Fight Club is actually a really good example of this because Edward Norton's tone of voice is like a mouse who got kicked in the nutz. So you have a perfect example of how to sound and how you shouldn't sound. Pitt's voice is deep and manly. If you think he just naturally talks that way, then your fooling yourself. He practices at it, I can assure you of this. Girls find this very seductive.
The best place to practice your tone of voice is on your cell phone voice mail. Think about this advantages of this. Whenever girls call you and you don't pick up, they can hear your voice which will trigger some of their emotions again. 3-Knowing when to say it- The 'when to say it' part is not exactly what it seems like.
It basically means to say what your going to say within the context of the subject. Meaning, if you guys are having a conversation about the beach, don't change the subject and talk about school.
The basis of creating attraction is making sure you act like a man. Girls are not attracted to wussies. A wussy is someone who is her 'best friend' dying in agony, hoping one day he might suddenly get to fuk her. He became a wussy by calling her a lot, agreeing with everything she says and putting her above himself. Don't be that guy.
Always remember, that YOU are the most important person in your world. Take care of yourself FIRST then focus on others. Being a man means having an opinion on things. If a girl says something and asks yo how you feel, don't just agree with it because you think that's what she wants to hear. Tell her your side without starting an arguement. Agreeing with her all the time will also put you in the wussy catergory.
Often girls have tests. The will say some outrageous bullshiat to you, just to see if you agree or finally have an opnion and disagree. You have what we call in the seduction community FMR (First minute resistance) or AA (Approach Anxiety). The approach style you mentioned is a typical approach where girls have been approached MANY times with.
Ross Jeffries Pdf
Us PUAs have openers that we used to strike up a conversation that present different scenarios than the girls are used to. There are many types of openers such as direct, opinion, situational, functional etc that we can utilize depending on the circumstances. A little extract from the book 'Magic Bullets'. What is opening?
It?s not normal to start conversations with strangers. It can even be intimidating. However, everything that follows in Magic Bullets is based on you being able to approach attractive women without awkwardness, and smoothly start a conversation with them. We call this process?Opening? And the ways we start conversations?Openers? You might be wondering why you need to have specific ways to start talking to someone. Can?t you just walk up to a woman and say?Hi, I?m Joe?
And start a conversation? Yes, you can, and it might even work. We discuss this type of opener later in this chapter in the section entitled?No Opener? In general, however, we find that most attractive women are hit on so often by so many different men that they are used to rejecting strangers as soon as they approach, with exceptions made only for men who seem unusually good-looking, successful, or socially desirable. Still, even though we are skilled at presenting ourselves in this way, we generally prefer to use other types of openers because our success with them is virtually automatic. You have what we call in the seduction community FMR (First minute resistance) or AA (Approach Anxiety).
The approach style you mentioned is a typical approach where girls have been approached MANY times with. Us PUAs have openers that we used to strike up a conversation that present different scenarios than the girls are used to. There are many types of openers such as direct, opinion, situational, functional etc that we can utilize depending on the circumstances.
A little extract from the book 'Magic Bullets' EDIT: If you're interested in learning more, ill pm you a link to download the book. What do you mean? I actually have a GF right now and I've been using this to boost my sales at work as a high majority of our clients are women. I used to get uncomfortable with hot women or women in general, act a little shy, speak softer etc.
But, I haven't done that in a while, I'm way more extroverted and socially aware. Not only do I talk to them or approach them randomly, I'll keep a conversation going, make 'em laugh. Surprisingly I gave out so many business cards these last few months that I forgot I had those coz no one would even ask for em!
I've been chating up women into sales like crazy lately. It all seems logical and makes sense yet you see so many guys struggle with it. And I doubt 99% of guys who think they've got it all and don't need PUA are no way near the pro PUA level and are not master charmers like they think they are. You'd be suprised how many succesful guys use PUA. PUA is intended to score women like crazy but the best thing about PUA is the social confidence and skills you get.
Maybe scoring tons of girls is not what you want but you want to win over a certain girl's heart you've had a crush on but don't know what to do or lack confidence. Maybe you want to be the confident guy at the parties who doesn't get nervous around women. Maybe you want women to buy more stuff from you The list goes on man. 1-Thou shall always be talking to a minimum of 3-5 girls. Talking to only 1 shall result in the terminal diease called ONE-ITIS!
This diease is always fatal and because it is so severe, it has 2 stages. Common symptom of stage 1 ONE-ITIS are the following: -thinking she's so much different from any girl you've met.thinking she is the most beautiful girl in the world.thinking she is very innocent and moral.
Common symptoms of stage 2 ONE-ITIS are the following: -calling her 2-3x a day, just to talk.staying on the phone for 1-2 hours when she calls you.analyzing everything she says and does. Example: 'I saw Mary-Beth in the hall today, she looked my way, what did she mean by that???' -completely ignoring every other girl who shows interest in you.asking anyone and everyone for advice and to analyze her actions.when asking for advice, you explain EVERY LITTLE FUKIN' DETAIL about what she was wearing and how she smiled at you at 1:00pm so the listener can 'understand completely.' -thinking your different from the 1,000 other 'good guy friends' she has. 2-Thou shall not throw away any opportunity to practice your pimping skills. I don't care if you have to practice on 13 year olds, grandma's, hookers etc.
As long as they are female, sharpen your PUA skills to perfection. 3-Thou shall use girls to get other girls.
Always take girls with you when you go out, because once other girls see you they'll become intrigued and want to find out what all the fuss is about. 4-Thou shall not choose one girl over another. If more than one girl wants you, don't choose.
Bang both of them until one leaves. That way you get the best of both world's 5-Finally, Thou shall read all pages on this thread, so Sauce-head does not have to fukin' repeat himself over and over and over. This is self explantory. If I don't have to repeat the same $hit over and over, we have more time and space to discuss advanced pimpin' techinques. X2, theres a girl in my class that I have spoken to like once but she always says hi and looks at me in class, she's quite a cutie too. It's not that I'm scared to approach her, but it's not easy when I walk into class and the lesson is about to start and strike up a conversation!
I have actually been practicing my game using the mystery method but this girl is high quality. My plan is the next time I catch her looking at me just to look back and see how long the look lasts, then go up to her later and use the line 'you can't look at me like that and say nothing' or something along those lines, then proceed to say 'hey u seem fun we should hang out sometime'. Bear in mind that 'the opener' has already been performed. Classes are easy for me.but gym i never do.
When i go in there i look like. ( no homo) i'm sweating, i'm grunting, im 100 percent focused in the moment. For me that would be like chatting up a girl during a religious sermon.
I'm mad pissed off when im at the gym so i make it a habbit never to chat up girls there. Class i normally just start a convo about the prof, the test, ect. If shes doing better then you ask to study if shes doing worse shell want to study with you. While studying continue to make her laugh and do get contact smile and flirt with her, when your done be like, you seem cool we should hang out X time or something. X2, theres a girl in my class that I have spoken to like once but she always says hi and looks at me in class, she's quite a cutie too.
It's not that I'm scared to approach her, but it's not easy when I walk into class and the lesson is about to start and strike up a conversation! I have actually been practicing my game using the mystery method but this girl is high quality.
My plan is the next time I catch her looking at me just to look back and see how long the look lasts, then go up to her later and use the line 'you can't look at me like that and say nothing' or something along those lines, then proceed to say 'hey u seem fun we should hang out sometime'. Bear in mind that 'the opener' has already been performed.