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Wheel Of Time Book 11 Pdf

Wheel Of Time Book 11 Pdf

A Memory of Light (Wheel of Time Other Book 14) Kindle Edition. Knife of Dreams: Book Eleven of 'The Wheel of Time' (Wheel of Time Other 11) Robert Jordan. The Wheel of Time. The Wheel of Time is a series of high fantasy novels written by American author James Oliver Rigney, Jr. Under his pen name of Robert Jordan. Originally planned as a six-book series, The Wheel of Time spanned fourteen volumes, in addition to a prequel novel and a companion book.

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Contents. Plot summary The deposed Queen of, goes to for aid in returning to the throne; but is taken captive by the Lord Captain Commander of the,. In response to amnesty on male channelers by, swears allegiance to him, and is assigned to train at the. Rand is courted by both the rebel in, who send an envoy to, and the Aes Sedai of the, who send an envoy to. In, goes to Caemlyn to join Rand. Wrongly thinking the Salidar Aes Sedai few and cowed, Rand sends to retrieve and win the allegiance of the rebel Aes Sedai.

Mat discovers that has been named the of the rebel Aes Sedai; and when she sends and Elayne to in to search for a ter'angreal called the 'Bowl of the Winds' to break the 's control of the, Mat goes with them. Shortly after Perrin joins him, Rand is secretly by 's Aes Sedai, who torture him en route to Tar Valon. Learning of the kidnapping, Perrin leads Rand's followers to the climactic Battle of Dumai's Wells. At the end of the battle, the rebel Aes Sedai are forced to swear to the Dragon Reborn while the surviving White Tower Aes Sedai remain captives. Battle of Dumai's Wells The Battle of Dumai's Wells occurs in Chapter 55 of this book. Forces Pro-Dragon forces.

Led by. Led by Perrin. 1000 wolves Men. Led by Dannil Lewin. 300 men (archers) Men. Led by Dobraine Taborwin.


500 Men Winged Guards (from ). Led by Havien Nurelle.

200 Men. Led by, the M'hael ('Leader' in the ).

200 fought Salidar. 9 Aes Sedai fought, along with their 16 Warders. Led by, an. 94 Wise Ones Other.

Led by, Clan Chief of the Taardad. 6,000 Aiel from various societies. Only siswai'aman and were brought along for the battle. The other Aiel (besides the Wise Ones) dared not fight Aes Sedai. Distinguished from the Shaido Aiel by red headbands (siswai'aman) or cloth tied around their arms (Maidens). Anti-Dragon forces.

Commanded by of the, secretly of the Tower. Led by. Numbered 33 in total, including. Led by Sevanna, widow of both & the recently deceased Shaido clan chief Suladric.

Numbered about 40,000 Younglings. Led by. 600 men; all wearing green The battle Initially, the pro- armies are situated on a ridge around Dumai's Wells. The have betrayed the and have surrounded a group of wagons on which the are situated, and are trying unsuccessfully to overwhelm its defenders to kidnap Rand al'Thor for themselves when the Pro Rand forces arrive. The men, and are to charge down into the valley after an attack of wolves, with at their head.

The Salidar and are to stay up on the ridge. However, when fighting, sees some Salidar fighting. The Pro-Rand forces fight their way in, but against far superior numbers they're only able to penetrate so far before they can go no further. In the thick of battle, about 200 led by Travel to Dumai's Wells, emerge from their gateways and immediately kill any Shaido they see.

They are instrumental in turning the tide of the battle. When three of the Tower shielding Rand leave to join the battle (leaving only 3 instead of the usual, and needed, 6 Aes Sedai guarding him to maintain his shield), manages to break through the shield thanks to 's help, reaching and breaking out of the chest in which he was trapped. He stills all three of the Aes Sedai shielding him in the rush to break free.

Finds beneath pieces of the exploded chest, but she is unharmed. He cuts her bonds and leads her out into the battle. Then continues knocking unconscious and shielding more Tower from within their lines, weakening their defence against the Shaido and their Wise Ones. As he is using they are unable to detect him. Rides up, and wants to take away, but she refuses.

She tells that his sister loves;, believing rumors that say Rand killed his mother, swears that he will see die one day before wheeling away and retreating with his Younglings. The 200 Asha'man create a dome of Air around the wagons, to keep the remaining out. Some are holding 23 Tower hostage.

Wheel Of Time

Some of 's allies are inside the dome; and are two such. The rest of his allies (e.g.

Several Wise Ones, ) are outside of the dome, still fighting. The shield cannot be raised to admit his allies without letting the Shaido in.

So orders the Asha'man to 'send a message' to Sevanna. He hopes that his allies who are outside of the dome will see what is happening, and get away before they get hurt., the M'hael, orders the Asha'man to raise the dome by two spans. The Shaido Aiel who are now within the dome are then killed as they literally explode when the ' weaves touch them. A 'Rolling Ring of Earth and Fire' causes the ground around the dome to split and fire to pour out from its cracks. The, now terrified, break and run, thousands dead left behind in their wake.

Wheel Of Time Movie

After the battle, the nine Salidar come over to congratulate. However, is angered that the Salidar Aes Sedai disobeyed his orders in bringing more than the allotted number of sisters, offers them the choice of being treated like the Tower Aes Sedai, kept prisoner by the Asha'man or swearing an oath of fealty to him. After Mazrim Taim adds, 'Kneel and swear to the Lord Dragon, or you will be knelt,' the Salidar Aes Sedai kneel and swear. References.