How To Install Glpi On Ubuntu Linux
To Install GLPI Tool with Fusion Inventory in Debian Linux Installation and configuration of GLPI tool is discussed in this article. GLPI is an important information. Install GLPI (IT and Asset. Tool with Fusion Inventory in Debian Linux. By Rob Turner. I have managed to install GLPI v0.9 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with plugin for.
GLPI stands for “Gestionnaire libre de parc informatique”, GLPI is the Information Resource Manager with an additional Administration- Interface. You can use it to build up a database with an inventory for your company (computer, software, printers). It has enhanced functions to make the daily life for the administrators easier, like a job tracking system with mail-notification and methods to build a database with basic information about your network-topology. First you need to make sure you have installed on your server.
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GLPI is a free and open-source web-based help desk application that allows you to create and track trouble tickets and work orders. (The acronym stands for Gestionnaire libre de parc informatique, a French phrase that translates to “Free Management of Computer Equipment”, and was originally developed by a nonprofit group in 2003.) It also allows you to create an inventory of equipment and checkout reservations for that equipment. It also installs quite easily on Linux Mint 15, allowing you to create a powerful web-based help desk system using entirely free software. In this post, we’ll show you how to create a test installation of GLPI. (Note that if you wish to use this system in production or on the public Internet, you should secure if further with SSL.) First, install Linux Mint into your machine of choice. Once Linux Mint is installed and updated, you will need to install six pieces of software: the Apache web server, the MySQL database server version 5.5, PHP version 5, the MySQL module for PHP, the JSON module for PHP, and finally the GLPI software itself. First, install the Apache web server.
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To install Apache, go to a Terminal window or a command prompt and type this command: sudo apt-get install apache2 (Technically, you’ll be installing Apache 2, the latest version.) Enter your password to authenticate, follow the default prompts, and apt will download and install the Apache web server for you. Apache should now be working. To test it from the web server itself, go to a web browser and visit the address. Alternatively, you could test it from another computer on the same subnet. For instance, if you installed Apache on a computer with an IP address of, you could test it by going to another computer on the same subnet and visiting from the web browser. Regardless, if Apache is working properly, you should see a web page with only two words on it: It works!
Apache is now operational. The next step is to install the MySQL database server. Return to the Terminal and type this command: sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.5 (As of this writing, MySQL Server version 5.5 is the latest version available in the Linux Mint repositories, though future versions of Linux Mint may receive the newer versions of MySQL.) Enter your password to authenticate, and apt will download the MySQL files and install them for you. It’s a big set of files, so depending on the speed of your Internet connection, it might take a while to download. After the files are downloaded and are installing, the installer will ask you for a password for MySQL’s root user. Just like the root user in Linux, the root user in MySQL has absolute control over all databases, tables, permissions, and users. For obvious security reasons, you’ll want to create an extremely strong password (a mixture of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and punctuation, the longer the better) for your MySQL root user.
(Note that in the password dialog box, you can’t get the field selected, you can use the tab key to jump from the text input line to the field.) After you enter the root password, the installer will finish working with the MySQL files, and return you to the command line. You’ll then need to activate MySQL with the following command: sudo mysqlinstalldb This will set up MySQL Server for use with your Linux Mint system. Next, you’ll want to run the mysqlsecureinstallation script to tighten up security on your new MySQL server. Run this command from the prompt: sudo mysqlsecureinstallation First, the mysqlsecureinstallation script will ask you to enter the current password for the MySQL root user.
After you do that, it will ask if you want to change the root password. Since you already set a root password, you can hit “n” (unless you want to change it again for some reason). Next, the script will ask if you want to remove the anonymous user. The anonymous user, like anonymous access in FTP, lets someone log into MySQL without having a proper user account. For security reasons, it’s always best to remove the anonymous user, so hit “y” to continue. After that, the script will ask if you want to prevent the MySQL root user from logging in remotely to the MySQL server. Always hit “y” to forbid root remote access, since if an attacker guesses your root password, he can destroy your databases or steal the information they contain.
After this, the script will ask if you want to remove the test database. MySQL includes a test database that anyone can access.
Again, this is a security hole, so you’ll want to hit “y” to remove the test database. The script will then ask to reload the privilege tables so the changes take effect. Hit “y”, and the mysqlsecureinstallation script will conclude and return you to the command line. MySQL server is now installed on your Linux Mint system. The next step is to install PHP version 5: sudo apt-get install php5 Then install the MySQL module for PHP: sudo apt-get install php5-mysql The install the JSON module for PHP 5.
Depending on your version of Linux Mint, this may not be necessary – older versions bundled the JSON module with PHP5, but 15 does not: sudo apt-get install php5-json Finally, download the GLPI software to your Downloads folder. You can obtain it from this address: Use this command to unpack the GLPI files: tar -xzvf glpiVERSION.tar.gz (Note that the actual name of the file will change depending upon what version of GLPI you have downloaded – be sure to use the correct file name.) Make a directory in /var/www for the GLPI files: sudo mkdir /var/www/glpi Finally, move the GLPI files over to the /var/www/glpi directory. (In this command, I’ll assume you unpacked the GLPI files to your Downloads directory; you will have to adjust the command if you unpacked them in a different directory.) sudo cp -r /Downloads/glip/. /var/www/glpi Now that we’ve got our software installed and downloaded, we’ll need to configure it. First, use this command to make the glpi directory writable: sudo chmod 777 /var/www/glpi/. (Note that this is insecure, and you should set the permissions back before making the GLPI site publicly accessible – this is fine in a test environment.) Next, launch a web browser. If you are installing GLPI on your desktop machine, you can access the GLPI site through this address: Otherwise, you can access it via the IP address.
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The GLPI site will launch the configuration wizard. First, select your language, and then click OK. Then accept the license terms and click Continue. GLPI will then ask if you want to install or upgrade from an older version.
Since we are creating a new installation, click on the Install button. First, select your language, and then click OK. Then accept the license terms and click Continue. GLPI will then ask if you want to install or upgrade from an older version. Since we are creating a new installation, click on the Install button. Then GLPI will run its compatibility test.
If you receive an error message that says “You must install the MySQL Improved extension”, restart Apache with this command: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart If the message persists, make sure you installed the php5-mysql module earlier. Additionally, if you receive an error code about json functions, make sure you installed the php5-json module. If you have to install either module, make sure to restart Apache using the command indicated above.
Once you have passed the compatibility tests, click Continue. Next, GLPI will ask for database connection information. Enter for the server, root for the user, and the password for root you created when installing MySQL, and then click Continue. Next, hit the radio button for “Create a new database” and then click Continue. Make sure to type a name for the database in the provided field. The last step is to delete the install.php file in the installation directory. After this, you are finished!
Click Use GLPI to go to the logon – by default, the administrator account as a username of glpi and a password of glpi. You can then proceed to testing GLPI.