Save Game Files Psp Iso
In my last article I showed you how you can convert your PSP UMD to ISO file and play the game using PSP memory stick to ensure the safety of your optical disks.
ISOs are a type of archive The easiest way to think of an ISO file is more like archive file, only without the. An ISO file contains the image of a disk.
That means it contains all the files and folders that were on that disk, much like file contains a collection of files and folders. The real difference is that an ISO is a -for-byte copy of the low-level data actually stored on a disk. There’s nothing about the ISO format that actually knows about files, folders, or formats. It’s just the raw data from the disk. If interpreted correctly, that raw data may naturally represent files, folders, and formatting details. But, like a disk, the operating system has to look, see what format was used (things like FAT32, NTFS, and the like), and then interpret the contents of the ISO file as if it were reading the raw data from an actual disk. There are a few ways to deal with ISO files.
Burn the ISO file to a ISO files are frequently used to distribute CD or DVD images. For example, if you a popular distribution, what you’ll most likely download is actually an.iso file. Using a CD or DVD burning program (like ), you can then write that ISO image to an actual disc. It requires a special technique to properly create the image, which is why you need to use tools like ImgBurn.
You can’t just copy the file to the media and expect it to work. If you burn the ISO to the disc and still see the.iso file when you look at the disc, then you’ve burned it to the disk as a file – it needs to be burned to the disc as an ISO. When you examine the properly completed disc, you’ll see all the files and folders that were contained within the ISO image. In the case of the Linux distribution, you’ll probably even be able to boot from the CD or DVD that you just created.
Even when you’re not dealing with software distribution, simply burning the ISO file to a disc will make the contents of the ISO readable by simply reading the contents of that disc. Treat the ISO file as if it were a disk There are several utilities out there that will treat an ISO file as if it were a disk drive, although often only for reading. One product that I’ve used in the past is. Using this utility, you can “” the ISO file and it appears as an additional disk drive on your machine – for example drive M. Assuming the disk image uses a supported (CDFS, NTFS, or FAT32 typically), you can simply read the contents of the ISO directly from the virtual drive.
Treat the ISO file as if it were an archive Recall how I indicated that ISO files are much files? As it turns out, some of the popular archiving utilities, including WinRAR and my personal favorite, can also read and extract the contents of ISO files. All that you need to do is use those tools’ view or extraction functions on the ISO file to examine its contents or extract some or all of the files you need.
Making ISO files Creating ISO files of CDs or other disks that you own is a convenient way to, archive, or (if legal) them. And it’s actually quite easy to do. There are two approaches: Create an ISO file from an actual disk. Most CD/DVD burning software includes the ability to “rip” or create an ISO image from a CD or DVD disc. In particular, is perhaps one of the easiest tools to use for this purpose. Just insert your CD, tell ImgBurn where to place and what to name the ISO file, and push a button.
Create an ISO file from a collection of files. ImgBurn can also be used to create an ISO image from files you specify, much as if you were actually burning files to CD or DVD. After collecting the files that you want to place in the image, you can instruct ImgBurn to create an ISO file instead of actually burning to disk. Next steps If you’re simply trying to get at something that’s stored inside an ISO file, go grab a copy of which will let you extract the contents just as if it were file. If you need to install or run something that was delivered as an ISO file, grab a copy of, and then follow my on burning an ISO to CD or DVD. Well I guess you tried to make things clear but I ended up still pretty confused & with more questions: 1) Why bother with an iso file in the first place since there is no compression. 2) Surely this just introduces unnecessary steps in the viewing process, who wants to waste time burning CD’s when HD’s are now so cheap & very large.
3) When/if you burn to CD do you choose “burn a data file” or “burn an iso file”. 4) Now just one more time: I start with an iso file, wish to use it, but must first burn to CD, which duplicates what I had to start with, So how do I view the CD & why will I be able to use now when I could not the original. Totally confused even after re-reading your article. No doubt I’m tghick but computers are supposed to be friendly right not dinosours. —–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 1) Compression isn’t the point of an ISO file.
The point is to represent/contain an exact disk image. You’ll see CD images distributed as ISO files, for example. 2) ISO files aren’t typically used for HD images, for much of the reason you explain: size and cost.
However they’re perfect for distributing, again, a smaller disk image like that of a CD or DVD. 3) Burn ISO file. You’ll see that this, then, is almost the only step required. The resulting burned CD will have files on it. 4) There are also utilities available that allow you to mount and/or view and/or extract the contents of an ISO file without burning it – I think 7-zip is just one example. But again, that’s not the point. If I want to distribute an image of something that you must burn to CD in order to, for example, boot from – then an ISO is perfect.
Leo —–BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE—– Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) iD8DBQFIbUHbCMEe9B/8oqERAttwAJ9xgKuEwYc+0W7w0dIwwGivxZ2qBQCfefMH c121iwmE7j+14YpR3dEuqp8= =G6vR —–END PGP SIGNATURE—–. Thanks for the info. Very helpful. FYI for windows users, there is a virtual CD driver provided by Microsoft for XP (also Vista, but I didn’t research that one) that is available from MS download center – fairly simple to install and use – just make sure your ISO files are not buried too deep in the file structure – if the folder path is too long the mount will fail – I moved the ISO files to a folder on my desktop and then was able to mount them easily. Go to and search for winxpvirtualcdcontrolpanel to find the page to download from. The full story?
From my perspective is the full story is that 7-Zip works well and I continue to recommend it. Without knowing more details of your failure – “it didn’t work” doesn’t tell me much – there’s nothing I can do with that to alter my recommendation at all. As to resetting it to normal – what’s normal? Honest question, different people want different things. The quickest way is to install an alternative like WinZip, if that’s the way you want to go. To re-enable Windows’ support, see this article: out at Finally, it’s not at all uncommon for programs not to know what things should be reset to when they are uninstalled.
Yes, they could, and should, but many don’t. An ISO file is like packing up and going on vacation. It is sitting in some other place. To bring it ‘home’, it must be burned by using the ISO burning function to make it work as it was originally, on a CD or DVD. One mistake that people make is that many ISO files are very large, and if it is over the size of the CD, it won’t burn properly. Usually if the ISO is over 700 megs, then you’ll need to burn to a DVD writeable disc. Once you have burned it, eject the disc, then re-insert it to load up as it was in its original state.
Hi, i have downloaded this game from web and the problem is that there is no way that i could burn that game into a disc as the memory of that game is like almost 7GB and ofcourse, it is an ISO format file. So please comment on how can i install the game? Like, is there a way to have it installed without having that ISO file burned to an external disc? If no, what are the other options? And yes, i also have a extractor which normally works for opening RAR format files but that too doesnt seem to work on ISO format i guess.
I am having an issue moving ISO images to my external hard drive. It tells me that there is not enough memory to transfer the file to the hard drive, but there is 115 GB of space. Is there something in the ISO format that will not allow me to store them on an external drive? Thanks Robert Well, I had the same problem, but you can easily avoid it by giving the order to transfer (copy) a big file using the system symbol as a DOS command: copy f:xxx.iso d: or so, and it works for files of any size.
Cheers, Luis. I’ve been dealing with ISO’s for several months now. I thought that I’d had the most ingenious method until now. I’d downloaded the free trial of Alcohol 52% (I didn’t want to pay for 120%, and the trial for this was timed). Once I had the ISO mounted on a virtual drive, I’d copy them to my hard drive. I had to clutter up my drive and go through some hell before I finally got Alcohol 52% to work right. Then, I read this article and found out that you can just use 7-Zip.
Thanks so much! By the way, if anyone wants to burn ISO’s or similar images, I recommend getting the free program Imgburn.
Don’t bother with any other programs. Thanks for the great tips Leo but I still have a problem with 2 ISO files (others I’ve tried work fine). I’ve tried 7-Zip, ImgBurn, Roxio, Magic disc with similar failure symptoms from all. I have followed your instructions for burning ISO back to a disc.
Most of the time the disc seems to burn OK, even verifies OK, but when I try to see the files on it, I get a msg: “Windows cannot read from this disc”. If I try to extract the ISO file using 7-Zip it says “Cannot open file as archive”. I don’t know what the source of the original files were – could the problem be that they were from a Mac or are ISO files only from Windows?
An interesting symptom is that it is a DVD (I tried both DVD-R and DVD+RW) as the ISO files are both around 1.4 Gb, yet when I re-insert the disc after burning it, the description changes from “DVD-RAM drive” to “CD Drive”. Leo, I’m having a problem with a series of iso files that were created while backing up one CD. I want to reinstall the application that was backed up, but the files contained in the iso files all have the same name. How do I restore the original CD? When I opened the first file it launched Roxio and began burning a CD, but ignored the remaining archive files. I’m lost, but need to restore my hard drive this week. I guess my question is how do I combine 7 iso files back into one workable file?

I love your site, I love that you take your time to publish for people like me, I love the way you explain so simply and I love the link to buy you a latte or link to your site. Being a newbie, I guess I will have to try the link first. But what it did chime in my mind was if you could post in a procedural manner such as “task”. I read and read and the words make sense but when I open my chime file – it being rather simplified, I get nothing. I need steps 1., 2., and 3. So I can perform the action myself therefore putting it to memory. Thanks for everything Leo!
I just downloaded MS Office Suite as an ISO file. I tried to use ISObuster to extract the files to my hard drive, which it did successfully, however, when I attempt to launch the EXE file, I am getting an error that says “the languageo of the file is not reconizable by the system” I contacted Microsoftthey believe it might be an ISO software issue. I read above about Winmount. I will try that next, hopefully it will have a “trial download”. Thanks for the insight on the ISO files, I will comment on my success or lack thereof, with Winmount. Anybody have any similiar issuew with ISObuster?? There was an earlier comment that stated “CD’s (and DVD’s too, for that matter) are read using lasers.
Nothing physical ever touches them. In other words, they can never “wear out” the way a phonograph record might do.” In order to use the physical CD/DVD you must remove it from its sleeve/jewel case and place it in your CD/DVD tray. After using you must repeat the process in reverse. At any time the disk is subject to being scratched, fingerprinted or dropped. And, as Leo states, they can degrade over time. And for anyone who has to maintain machines (workstations or servers) remotely, using iso files means you can mount/dismount virtual disks without having to be physically at the machine.
Hi Leo Strait and simple, my daughter in law was given by her father a Acer pc. Naturally I tried to make sure she did not go to certain sites (11 years old) Now I have the predicament on my hands. I forgot the Administrator password. The fact thazt I had to retire early, handicapped with enough pills to make the local pusher happy, it doesn’t help me settle my problem. I’m kind of new with my PC friend so after asking I am told that if I get a ISO file with NTFC, FAT, FAT 32 Bottom line my problem will be solved when I am downloading my iso file.
Well How do you download an ISO file and I read, and I read and Sir, I know what it is, what it is used for, how it originally was found butlollI feel like saying now seriously guys how do I physically you see what I mean. You guys are really good at what you do and I have a lot of respect for that, on the other I’m not exactly what you could call an idiot. This is more venting then anything else. You’ve helped me a couple of times before and I wanted to bookmark you and then came Vista.
You might want to revisit your recommendation for ImgBurn. Based on your recommendation, I downloaded the newest version.
It was immediately removed from my download folder because Trend Micro detected the presence of an adware component identified as ADWOPENCANDY. provides the following information The application SetupImgBurn2.5.8.0.exe, “ImgBurn Installer” has been detected as a potentially unwanted program by 8 anti-malware scanners. This is a self-extracting archive and installer, however the file is not signed with an authenticode signature from a trusted source. The installer uses the OpenCandy monitzation platform which will download and install offers in the setup for potentially unwanted software including ad/search-supported toolbars.
The file has been seen being downloaded from and multiple other hosts. I wonder if I also got some problems downloading imgburn. I downloaded 2 programs today, one of them imgburn. I then found out my Browser was hijacked! I did a careful look at what happened and ultimately had to uninstall a program whose name escapes me and then reset Firefox to default, resulting in a bout the loss of an hour’s time.
I saw no tagalong programs when I ran the installations. What I did find out is I needed to invoke the custom installation to expose the tagalong. How many other tricks are there waiting in the wings! Malware identified 12 PUPS!. Mark Jacobs.
I don’t install any “meta” apps (programs that keep drivers and other software up to date). Every month or two I have to completely detox my father-in-law’s computer because he insists on installing these meta apps. They invariably (rude word) up his computer requiring the re-installation of an image. If a program or driver isn’t broken, or if the new feature is not one I need then I don’t install the update. Ninite looks to be such a program. I decide when updates are done. And if the official download from imgburn contains the crapware then I suspect every other download location will as well.
The function (not purpouse) of an ISO file is containing the data of a CD (DVD) as is, including file system, bootsectors (if any), songs, files, and so on. If you have an ISO file of a music CD, it does not contain the tracks as files. You would need a rip program to get them as WAV files or whatever filetype you like. This is the native format of CD’s.
CD players ‘know’ how to handle it. If you use CD (DVD) for file storage, any type of file, and make an ISO of it, your ‘unzip’ program can find those files.
I can not tell why software is published in this format, but whith this article you know how to handle it. Maybe some people find this explanation more clear than Leo’s.
For me Leo’s was perfect. Thanks as always. The other day you were saying you used Thunderbird as a mail client and along with that you also used Lightning which is Mozilla’s calendar.
I’ve used Thunderbird for a long time now but I was never able to install Lightning so I thought I would give it one more try to no avail. The Lightning file that came down was a “.xpi” file that Windows didn’t know how to open and neither did I. Is it possible that a.xpi file can be opened by the same methods you talk about in this article to open an.iso file? I am still using the Windows calendar and would like to try Lightning. Leave a reply: Before commenting please:. Read the article.
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Borderlands 2 Save Game Files
Connect the PSP to the PS3. Use a USB cable to connect the two systems. If you want to copy your game directly to the Memory Stick you use with your PSP, this is when you should connect your Memory Stick. As long as your Memory Stick is installed and recognized, the game will be transferred directly to it. The largest Memory Stick you can put into a PSP is at least 256GB using the PhotoFast Pro Duo Dual Slot Adapter and 2 Micro SD cards of equal storage. Use Fat32Formatter on each SD card in your PC before formatting the Pro Duo in the PSP. Download and install Sony MediaGo.
Point your web browser to to download and install the software. Make sure your computer can run the software. You’ll need a Windows PC running Vista SP2, Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, or Windows 10, at least 1 GB of RAM (2 GB recommended), and at least 400 MB of free space on your hard drive.
Psp Save Data Download
Once you download and run the MediaGo installer, you may be asked to install other software necessary to make the software work properly. MediaGo will guide you through the process.