Rubygems No Such File To Load Rbconfig
Hello, I used redmine 0.5.1 and actually try to update it to 0.7 My OS is Debian Etch and Ruby is the last version available on it with apt-get (1.8.5) I downloaded the latest version of redmine using this command: cd / svn co svn:// technique Then I made a copy of my database configuration file: cd /technique cp /redmine-0.5.1/config/database.yml. I also the informations about SMTP in: /technique/config/environement.rb Now if I'm right I must use the command from the new redmine directory: rake db:migrate RAILSENV='production' -trace.but I obtain this message: (in /technique) rake aborted!
Cannot Stat No Such File
Supervisor No Such File
/usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:1:in require': no such file to load. No such file to load -- rbconfig. Ruby and Rails. Then I made a copy of my database configuration file: cd /technique cp /redmine-0.5.1/config. No such file to load -- rubygems.