Select For Update Oracle Java Example
It depends on the logic. Oracle forms for example will issue a SELECT for UPDATE on any row you attempt to update or delete from the GUI. It does this since you read.
Oracle Java Se Update
Note In before update trigger, do not update the employeesalary table, it will create a recursively trigger and run until it has run out of memory. Koi ga saku koro sakura doki. 1.2 Insert data to test the trigger. INSERT INTO employeesalary VALUES (101,15000,'Pranav'); INSERT INTO employeesalary VALUES (201,40000,'Vikram'); INSERT INTO employeesalary VALUES (301,35000,'Nikhil'); - fire trigger, insert into log table UPDATE employeesalary SET SALARY = '28000' WHERE empid = 101; - fire trigger, insert into log table UPDATE employeesalary SET SALARY = '43000' WHERE empid = 301; 1.3 Display the data. Select.
- The FOR UPDATE clause is an optional. And enforces a check during compilation that the SELECT statement meets the. See Tuning Java DB.
- JDBC Lock a row using SELECT FOR UPDATE. I am running a multi-threaded java application. Slow sql execution under Oracle connection from Weblogic controlled.
from EMPLOYEESALARY; EMPID SALARY EMPNAME 101 28000 Pranav 201 40000 Vikram 301 43000 Nikhil select. from EMPLOYEESALARYLOG; EMPID NEWSALARY UPDATEDDATE UPDATEDBY 101 28000 10-JUN-17 SYSTEM 301 43000 10-JUN-17 SYSTEM 2. Logging with WHEN condition In this example, after each update on ‘SALARY’ column of employeesalary with hike greater than 50000, it will fire a ‘after update’ trigger and insert the new updated data into a employeesalarylog table. 2.1 Create tables and trigger. Trglogsalaryhike CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER trglogsalaryhike AFTER UPDATE OF SALARY ON employeesalary FOR EACH ROW WHEN ((NEW.SALARY - OLD.SALARY) 50000) DECLARE username varchar2(20); BEGIN SELECT USER INTO username FROM dual; - Insert new values into log table. INSERT INTO employeesalaryhikelog VALUES (:NEW.EMPID,:NEW.SALARY,:NEW.SALARY -:OLD.SALARY,sysdate, username); END; 2.2 Insert data to test the trigger.
INSERT INTO employeesalary VALUES (101,15000,'Pranav'); INSERT INTO employeesalary VALUES (201,40000,'Vikram'); INSERT INTO employeesalary VALUES (301,35000,'Nikhil'); - new salary - old salary 50000, fire after update trigger, insert into log UPDATE employeesalary SET SALARY = '70000' WHERE empid = 101; UPDATE employeesalary SET SALARY = '100000' WHERE empid = 301; - new salary - old salary.